Numerous of you must be facing a problem when it comes to trusting a corporate debts collection partner, but not anymore. A2Z is Corporate Debts Solution are here to make it easier for you. There is no denying that one must consider several factors when picking a debt collection partner. It is normal to have questions in mind. Questions such as does the corporate debts collection agency holds the appropriate experience, credentials, and a solid track record? Do they carry the potential to offer the level of service, cultural fit, periodical updates, and transparency you are looking for?
We deliver our bespoke corporate debt recovery services to numerous companies and banks in the corporate world. A To Z understands that corporate firms require tailored corporate debts collection services depending on their size. Hence, we work closely with our clients to deliver the best at the right price. A2Z offers the following services under the Corporate Debt Division.
Corporate Debts Collection:
Debt collection is always a complex procedure, and when it comes to corporate debts, things can get complicated. But, fortunately, you need not worry as we have got you covered. From pre-legal corporate debts recovery to debtor tracing, A To Z will do it all for you. You save litigation costs a minimum of 20% and increase your cash flow and reduce your bad debts.
Cheque case filing and support with police and court:
You may feel alone and less informed while dealing with cheque case filing. A2Z will always have your back to assist you through corporate and bank debts related cases. Being in the industry, we have the trustable experience to help you deal with the police and court for such cases. To be precise, our A to Z corporate debts collection solution will make the process much easier for you, and it simultaneously works with the debt collection process.
Demand Letter, Legal Notice, Field visits, speed up collections:
A2Z sends electronic invoices and legal notices to debtors to speed up the collection processes. Systematized reminders to debtors have helped our numerous clients in the past. Debt collection is not something to be done in a hurry. It needs to get planned in the best way possible and then get executed. A2Z’s operation and in-house legal team formulate the action plan for the collection process for your debts. A2Z starts action from where you failed to collect your debts.
Telephone calls and email follow-ups:
You may have had complaints of not being updated about the status of your debts collection in the past. But, unlike other Debt Recovery Companies, A2Z will keep you updated with telephone calls and emails. Our regular calls and emails to the debtors help to speed up corporate debts collection.
Multi-language collectors will follow the debtors aggressively:
Debt-collectors at A2Z hold experience in what they do. Being acquired the knowledge of several languages makes them excellent in verbal communication. Debt collectors deal with debtors with their expert knowledge in the field.
Periodical updates & transparency of actions:
A To Z can be the one-stop solution for all your corporate debt-related issues. All you have to do is, connect A2Z and we will help you. No matter if it is debt collection or debt-related agreements, we will resolve it for you. So, connect with A to Z - engage with the best corporate debts settlement or/and collection agency in the UAE!